Deluxe Sawanotsuru Sake, glass bottle 720ml

Product brand - D365
- Sake Deluxe Sawanotsuru Br has a sweet, spicy and strong flavor of the Junmaishu line of Japan. You can drink it cold or hot. Alcohol content of 15.5%. Imported products


- Is a type of wine cooked from pure Japanese domestic rice, without adding alcohol or any other spices, so it has a very characteristic taste of rice, but is gentle. - Koji rice yeast used for wine cooking must reach a solid standard, pasty cooked with mushrooms and the taste is mixed between salty and sweet, helping to balance the flavor and create a slight aroma for this wine


- Fermented from Japanese domestic rice, Japanese domestic Koji yeast and water

Instructions For Use

There are many ways to enjoy this wine:
- Chilling: wine will reach 1-7oC after being cooled and should be used immediately and be chilled during the enjoyment so that the wine does not fade due to temperature.
- Warming: depending on preference that alcohol can be reheated at temperatures of 40 to 55oC, the concentration of the alcohol will vary and should be heated by the water bath method.
- Drink with ice: pour just enough alcohol for one-time use (50 - 60ml) into a glass with available ice and use it right after pouring to avoid melting ice causing the loss of wine taste

Storage Instructions

- Store at a dry, cool place and avoid the sunlight


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